Tuesday, July 21, 2009

dont get me tense, please...

this morning i guess reached office about 9am, fuiyoo.. awal tu, ummi i pun perli because its quite early, even my hubby.. sabar jelah kena perli. since we've got new HR ni who is someone implemented monitoring of working hours, its better for me to fulfill 8 working hours as enough as i can before received any warning email in my mailbox. damn, monitoring us by access/id card. dah macam huawei environment pulak. luckily i didnt get any warning email so far, mau naik berang rasanya kalau dapat, and will decide not to travel anymore or i wont go to DiGi. nonsence, this is actually about productive working hours, thats why we've been implementing flexible hour in E//. pointless to be around in the office as early 8.30am and 5.30pm go home but do nothing in the office. how do u expect each staff to be 8 hours in the office and how about those staff required to be onsite or to be based outside. menyampahlah nak fikir. i used to complete my task, revert my email and follow up integration/monitoring status at home especially if i have to be in DiGi. arrrgggghhhhh, rasa macam nak makan orang!

these 2 pictures when i was getting my drink at coffee area, mujurlah ada mereka2 ni ajak bersembang bergelak ketawa... felt a bit released..

just now, by 4pm i went to Ambank Alamanda to renew my roadtax and insurance. sambil mencuci mata by looking around :) today, im not in very good mood actually due to some reason, in law conflicssss. fake to smile even feels not to. damn. since this morning just duduk je mengadap pc and didnt go anywhere even out for lunch. masa jalan laju2 menuju ke Ambank sempat jeling ke Bonia, hmmm.. my intention was... ok hubby, as promised not for handbag ok but thought to survey specs. macam dah boring with my D&G specs tu, and some more power pun dah bertambah. but after made payment of renewal, terpandang Rotiboy and reminds me to my hubby, dia suka coffee bun.. so terus turun bawah to get coffee bun for him. (itulah dia perempuan kan, whatever and wherever.. husband always in mind). then, jalan2.. oppppsss termasuklah Hush Puppies. hmmm, oklah, nak naik atas balik nak pergi survey kat Bonia dah malas so survey kat Hush Puppies lah.. (Alasan! tak nampak ke hubby dah susun and kumpulkan those baju yg baru beli tapi belum pakai lagi).

........ala, just looking around je... but suddenly, owh thats nice.. oklah, just try je saje2 masuk fitting room. looked at my cash, still got 200 in my wallet.. kalau dah takde malaslah nak pergi withdraw, payment by credit card.. owh no no.. i wont do that again. masa kat overseas je boleh pakai. arrgghhh, its theraphy right so decided.. oklah dik (membahasakan promoter as dik) i'll take this one. waahhhhaaaaaa, if my hubby tau ni, menanah telinga kena bebel. so the conclusion is, strictly dont get me tense. what if i tak tension/stress tadi, mesti i tak membeli-beli kan. (blaiming the stress, kekkekeee). i should keep and hide this, ensure en hubby saye tak nampak.

Tina, actually felt so stress since this morning (in law issues). so, my point is this is marriage life. problem is always there, cuma yang membezakan adalah kind of the problem. what is important most, kuat and sabar. Allah kan menduga kita sebab Dia sayangkan kita. actually, lagi banyak dugaan yang kita tempuhi bersama suami, lagi eratlah hubungan dan semakin kukuhlah kasih sayang.. believe me...

i dont what else i can do untuk jaga hati my MIL, this is happened just because i didnt sms her for a week. is she expecting me to keeps sms her each day, owh, i am working ok. balik kerja nak terus prepare for dinner before my hubby is home, salahkah i put my husband as priority and thats why i couldnt reply her sms ASAP. i was cooking so i kenalah siapkan masak, what if i asyik sibuk melayan sms je, kebulurlah my husband jawabnya.... and so, apa hukumnya? berdosa kan mengabaikan keperluan suami. i just put aside MIL's sms and replied by following day early morning. IS THAT WRONG??

Ya Allah, kuatkanlah hati hambaMu ini untuk menghadapi segala ujianMu. Amin, mudah2an diriku dikurniakan kesabaran yang secukupnya.

anyway, i gotta continue my work.. 8 hours already enough tapi outside getting darker, and email pun makin banyak yang sampai which i need to update the status of completion. Victor ni tak tahu dah malam ke, siang2 taknak hantar.. alahai..

this project team re-allignment really makes me sick. macam mana tensionnya Eddie, macam tulah headache nya saya ni Tina.

no any point by putting above pictures, forgot when was that actually.... but, seems best je dapat gelak macam tu kan. wish to have that kind of fun this moment...

VITAL NOTE: still not yet giving up to persuade Tina.... hehehehehhe, jomlah Tina, join to GoldCoast by next early autumn :) pujuklah MKB u tu. Melbourne vacation, lepas2 tulah.. hehehehe.. (cant u see my tanduk? :) )

1 comment:

Hadhatina Mkb said...

kenapala mommy ni nakal sgt? ni bila nak ajar I buat smokey eye ni..geram tgk mata bulat u yg bersinar2 tu..