Monday, September 26, 2011


"xxx : hi
him : hi

bla bla bla..

him : i should be ignoring u rite
xxx : nope
him : why, its your word..
xxx : yes i did asked u to ignore me but i didnt want u to ignore me.."

hmmm... sounds like that, but maybe not exactly as i cant captured accurately what he showed to me..
but i was wondering... what kind of game was that...
stop complaining to me...
if she knows where is her position in your life, she shouldnt feel jealous about us.
and who is she to feel that way...?

malas nak dengar dah, u sendiri kena comprehend dia betul2 to avoid that stupid jealousy.. she is not even your girlfriend to feel so.

pls respect me, my word.. just like what i did to my Italian friend..
he got no right to ask me remove u from my life as i knew u before i knew him
and even u are much more closer to me than him..
why should i put u aside and keep my Italian friend...?
decided not to listen to him.. simple..
as i respect u are 'somebody' in my life
and i respect even whoever is your friend
u are dont belongs to me, and INDEED u are belongs to ALLAH..
not belongs to everybody..

so now, its fair.. u pun tak boleh nak halang i dari kawan dgn sesiapa.
i taknak dengar lagi u complaint or 'kondem' about any of my friend especially lelaki
who are u to stop me be friend with them

now ni, u duduk la cokoh kat depan i ni.. i nak jadi batu
wont be speaking to u..
what...? lapar...? nak makan kat mana...?
pergi makan sendiri..

ok ok ok.. tak payah buat muka seposen tu.. jom kita makan..

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