last weekend was couples day's out for me and other half, aween and rozam... 4 of us had lunch @ fullhouse.. see our menu and thats the reason why the subject above is Pn Lemongrass.. why?? ahahahhaa, as of her, menu ni masak sendiri je.. memang superb, tengok those foods prepared by her, boleh gugur iman kalau fasting month. cayalah, sate pun boleh masak sendiri. i wish, i wish, really wish to be like her as requested by the other half lah.. be a home manager, look after our kids, and masak macam2 untuk dia and anak2..
mudah2an Allah murahkan rezeki kami suami isteri, who knows.. he can be up another level so i dont have to work kan or else i may just own any business which i can still be at home always and spend more time with my own family.. semoga Allah perkenankan doa hambaNya ini...
and below picture, haha.. bought it from Forever 21 kat sunway pyramid.. sebagai persediaan melindungi telinga i yg sensitive dari expose too much to the winter.. hopefully i wont be having flu or fever. cant wait to touch the snow, smell the air.. feel the scenery which i think so priceless.. kebesaran Allah...
(purple je color yg available.. oklah, janji boleh cover telinga, nak pakai ear muff??? owh, mesti i nampak macam clown nanti.. haha)
salam ziarah buat sis nana.. hehehe.. jalan2 b2b eh, mcm kenal tuannyer blog... rupanya bukan hubby dia je ada blog, nana pun ada.. salam ziarah... :)
Hi Nana,
thanks for the N3 :-). I pun dulu2 tak pandai sgt masak ni but I like to cook for people so tu yg bila dah ada family yang suka makan and living kat tempat yg kalau nak makan luar hari2 akan merobekkan poket, I pun terpaksalah memandaikan diri masak, hehehe.
You definitely can be one too, it's not that difficult :-).
sis shima - salam, dulu zarul taktau nana ada blog.. tapi hari tu dah terkantoi, satu2 la soalan dia nak kena jawab.. haha. nasib badan :)
madam lemongrass - sis, sama jawalah kita ni, best best best.. hehe. anyway akak, nana ni actually tak lah pandai masak kak tapi sebenarnya memasak tu sebagai cara kita menunjukkan kasih sayang and rasa kasih sayang tu lah yg buat sedap tau. so, u are extremely great cooker :). each time nana kat oz pun kalau ada peluang masak its better nana masak, unless restoran kat luar tu confident halal its ok and mengelakkan rabak pocket juga :), betul tu kak, especially hubby nana yg cant stop converting AUD to MYR tiap kali nak bayar apa2..seksa tau.. huhu. anyway, thanks sis, doakan ye..rajin masak, ada daughter yg comel cam yours (haha, tu tak bolehla sebab the other half bukan mat saleh, pure jawa). take care ok sis..
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