Thursday, May 21, 2009

as requested by Ms Tina and so on...

owh, long time no see.. its been a while tak blogging. sangat busy and extremely malas. especially due to my low blood pressure condition. nope, im not pregnant. might be next year, will be getting my own, mr zarul jr. cant wait :) ok ok, will keep u guys updated very soon.

starts with the flow of story ok..

on 10th of May, my husband bought this for Mother's Day.. but definitely, nana makan sikit je. should know better siapa yang makan banyak, of course my hubby the buyer of the cake.

and down here, lauk for dinner on Thursday instead of cicak goreng tu cik tina. we were laughing on our way to cyberjaya from subang hitech after meeting @ DiGi and yam cha idea kak azian. took tina to cyberjaya meeting her MKB dearie.. gelak bagai nak pecah perut sebab menu of cicak goreng. asked my hubby what he wanna have for dinner so i may prepare it for him, he answered anything then i said, oklah if that case cicak goreng nak. encik suami saya tu pun cakap ok jugak, sedap tu.. macam nak terputus urat kentut gelak, owh, i cant imagine.. sooo yaakkk! tak lalu nak makan.

and this one my lunch on Friday, busy day. kak liza did take away for me from Alamanda. at last tak sempat makan pun, bawak balik rumah then my husband settled the McD.

hurrrmmm, the below pictures were actually for my birthday on 15th of May. he surprised me with something dalam periuk and something inside the fridge. i was about to prepare dinner and so shocked, surprised and speechless. so adorable. thanks bie.. the most precious actually u reminds me to my birthday each year since over year ago. im the one who always forgot my own birthday and yours as well. my apology, honey.

GPS - with GPS you are always in the know wherever you go

bila anda rasa uncomfortable or else, rasa menyemak je benda monitor kecil tu for your view of driving, what should you do. i was thinking where to put... letak kat situ when its needed or required, kalau tak just simpan dalam box in between kerusi driver and penumpang hadapan. habis cerita.

satisfied of the cleanliness now than before, dah macam tongkang pecah. nak drive pun serabut kepala. tong sampah ke kereta ni.. ahaks :)

ok, this one captured to show muka puas hati sebab kereta dah bersih and kemas. oopppsss, sorry. gelaplah gambar, my P1i not cybershot camera handphone lah. tapi at this moment no intention yet of buying new hp due to priority of using my hp not to take picture.
ok, this time much clearer.
enough here ok, i need to stop my merepek2 idea ni. got meeting @ DiGi about 2pm. wahhh.. pasti panas cuaca ketika itu. sila mengantuk dan malas. ahak :)
see u there tina.

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