Wednesday, August 19, 2009


if u are reader of chedetblog, u may easily find comment of Zaini Mazlan (
which im totally agree with.

and this is wrote by my lovely Tun
1. The Government has decided that the teaching of science and mathematics would revert to Malay in the Government school, with Chinese in Chinese schools and Tamil in Tamil schools. How this is going to help integrate Malaysians I do not know.

in my opinion, experienced as daughter of kampung teacher, ex uitm student and now working in MNC (Multi National Company), I FOUND PPSMI IS GOOD. my late father was a kampung teacher, just a kampung boy but to me he was so lucky because English was the only language used in his school so that he become very good in english and at the same time still good in BM due to thats our language we may communicate with family and friends. i dont see any reason to forget BM by putting English as priority, nothing wrong with that, just for education purpose. to COMPETE ourself and just take it positively.

to be frank, i do REGRET. kecewanya saya kerana PPSMI dimansuhkan kerana saya lihat potensinya menjadikan anak melayu kita mahupun warga negara Malaysia sejajar dengan bangsa2 maju yang lain meskipun antarabangsa.

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