13th AUG 2009
- hari ni birthday ummi, Selamat Hari Jadi ummi.. Called her this early morning before my day fucked up and mess up my mood.
- on my way to office, was reaching Lim Kok Wing Uni area then suddenly heard one sound quite loud 'kuk!!!' owh, what was that? Damn, got dot on my screen.. Bukan screen pc or laptop ok, but screen view of my car. Batu sesat yang mencacatkan cermin kereta. Quite big but I have to check with dr cermin first before decide to change it with a new one. It will cost about over 1k.
- damn! Eridoc problem… grrrrrrrr
- got meeting to review A no cleanup DT at DiGi by 2pm, ran out of time.. Late to get there. Was heavy rain I couldn’t speed.. Owh, my smart tag out of cash, gotta que in 'tunai' lane.. Wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaa
- parked my car far far away due to parking space fool (instead of full). Thanks a lot to Joo Wei who is sweet mommy to be sent me off to my car on her way home. Also im so happy having Eddie as PM now. Why?? Know him first them u may know he is nice superior..
- then by 4.20pm im safely home.
- got urgent called that I have to be in office for something.. Owh.. But finally, great.. I don’t have to. Thanks to successful and very committed PA, Aleza :)
- Alhamdulillah, finally at night I feel better. Solat berjemaah with my hubby and baca yassin sama2. feels reduced and release…
14th AUG 2009
- woke up early morning about 4am, need to go to the toilet.. Then, when I occurred the blood.. Owh, I don’t know why should I feel sad, don’t know why must I regret.. I was the one refused to have it earlier due to our both condition of time spend. But then, this morning by the time ive got my period I was crying…… and I realized, actually im ready to be a mother now. My husband came and talked to me slowly, advised me not to be sad, gave me his comfy hug.. Maybe he heard that I cried in the toilet.
- early morning after he left for work, I just turned on my laptop.. Dropped by few blogs, my husband's latest entry.. Owh, thanks honey. Indeed, I love u too. Tina's latest entry, owh Im so touched. Congrats to u. keep good health of u and baby in your tummy :) .. And read on email received yesterday about arwah ustaz Asri. Ummi called me last night told me that he passed away, yeah I knew it but no time to read the email. My uncle, Ammu Shahril went to his house.. Al-fatihah. Semoga rohnya ditempatkan dikalangan orang2 beriman, insyaAllah.
- got ready for work, was called by ummi when was running my engine told me her Avanza nak kena tukar tayar. fetch sis liza at cyberia condo. Im fake to smile. I really don’t mean it.
- in office, received lot of sms from hubby, tried to tell me its ok, not to worries. Don’t be sad la, blaalabla blaa blaa
Xpelh.. Blm ada rezeki kita lg. Kn mummy selalu ada dgn i. Itu pn dh ckp b'mkna.
Ksh syg i xkn pnh hambar selamanya.
Xpelh syg. Biarlh org nk kata apa. Lgpn kita blm ready kn ini, kita sama2 bz, tggu I dah x bz kita cuba lg. kan kita nk gi brisbane nanti, kita spend time ber2 dulu ok syg.
I nk sgt u jd bidadari i kt akhirat nnt. I Cuma nk u je jd wife I n mummy anak2 i. jgn fikir bkn2 ye syg.
Mummy mamam x td? Rindu sgt2 la ini. Mummy jgnla pk bukan2. Ksh syg n seluruh jiwa raga i hny utk mummy smp bila2.
- I was so busy reading those message while walking to the ladies, and suddenly… why the toilet look so strange, so different… waaaaaaaaaaaaa, accidently dah termasuk toilet lelaki next door. Owh, shit! Someone inside and I said sorry then quickly got out from that room. Ya Allah! Masuk ladies, aku terus tutup muka mencangkung tepi wall. Kak Tini pun tegur what's wrong with me, I told her what has happenned, terbahak2 dia gelakkan i.. And im too.
- yes, the conclusion is.. I will laugh and smile when the time is right.
- now, im ok and better.
- Joo Wei did advised me and calmed me down, Kak Tini and Kak Liza as well cheered me up. Thanks sis.
the point is appreciate as much as we can to our friends and those people around us because we need them everytime even without concerns.....
Have a great weekend everybody.
Jgnlah sedih2 sis..ALLAH knows the best for us k? As for me, although i'm so happy for this baby...I cant share it with my beloved ones..kitorang still tak baik :(..i guess u cant see i dah berubah lately - moody je :D
nk gelak jgk..hihiih...akak plak suka kalau period, lg lama lg best..leh rest lama from abg...huuhh...
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