This is for you, read on... i know how the pain is but dear u must be strong, for yourself, beloved ones and the baby... 1 think u should remember, family is like this..
i do believe, one day.. the love will be yours forever..
look after u honey. there are peoples needs u still..
tq dear..for a special entry for me..yet, 'they' are the one who hate me now..just because i want to grab the opportunity to be in jannah..sigh~* really pray for HIS Guidance rite now..things changed so much in a month! :( i'm no more the old Tina..
1 comment:
tq dear..for a special entry for me..yet, 'they' are the one who hate me now..just because i want to grab the opportunity to be in jannah..sigh~* really pray for HIS Guidance rite now..things changed so much in a month! :( i'm no more the old Tina..
nway, luv u so much Farhana :-)
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