Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday & what was yesterday

Happy Birthday Nabilah.. dah makin tua adik Kak Nana ni. Hope u getting wiser and better.

Yesterday woke up quite late coz after subuh and abg went office, sambung jadi sleeping beauty.
sedar2 dah pukul 9.30am. MasyaAllah, kelam kabut basuh baju, kemas rumah sikit2 and mop lantai.

then, prepare lunch coz guests nak datang by 12. they reached my house about half an hour jugaklah baru lunch ready. sorry ladiessss..

menu; udang sambal petai, ikan bawal masak sambal, telur masak kicap kari, tumis kacang buncis+pedal, ulam kacang botol, timun and sambal tempoyak.
seronok tengok kawan2 berselera makan.

Sis Liza, Yan and her sister Ijun. 1st time met Ijun, rajin dia duduk kat dapur interview i itu and ini. like my sister, saiz pun lebih kurang sama. sambil sembang2 tu she said.. betulla kak yan cakap, kalau jumpa kak nana ni, baru 1st time jumpa pun dah rasa comfortable..

aahhhaaa... why ye? because im friendly of talkative? ahaks, i becok kot.. ;p

while they were on the way, kak liza sempat text me to makesure that my camera battery is enough for them. tak lain tak bukan, nak sawan bergambarlah tu.

after solat, Tina texted. she is in E// office. ala, if she let me know earlier boleh join makan sama2. must be fun kan, the more the merrier..

And today, alone. Hubby is working.
dia ajak keluar, malas betul nak keluar... aku pujuk dia but via sms la. says, will prepare special dinner tonight. tak menjadi, dia paksa jugak keluar rumah dengan alasan aku tak keluar rumah sejak Jumaat lepas office hour. bukan mati pun kalau stay kat rumah je.

abg drive thru kan prosperity burger, terkenyang betul. maghrib tu ajak pergi pasar malam, benci betul. malassssssssss. pandai betul dia pancing, balik kerja tu aku macam biasa, urut and picit2 badan abg. then dia cakap nak upah and belanja bakso. wooooww, best best. favourite.
so end up, keluar jugak pergi pasar malam.

wedding Mawi and Ekin 1001 malam memang best. unfortunately to me, the organizer was not well prepare. more than once minus one silap. Event Management mana tu? embarassing. those guests bukannya ketua2 kampung, they are SOMEBODY. with that mistake, even small, maybe something wrong with the PA system or minus one..thats unacceptable.
3 weeks preparation should be enough to make it run very2 smoothly.

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