Thursday, January 15, 2009

Turquoise Car

friend of mine met with an accident, yanti.. pity her. no car right now, patah kaki dia.
early morning when i reached office, kak liza came to my workstation. OMG, tak perasan pun miss called dari akak. checked my phone, yes, got miss called from her in my list. suami kesayanganku punya kerja la ni, my phone bunyi je mesti dia yang tengok dulu but then he didnt tell me pulak tu. this is emergency la my dear... put aside cemburu2 tu.

terus call yanti to ask whether she is ok or not. Alhamdulillah yanti and ijun ok. i must fetch her, urusan report kat police station almost done, kesian yanti nak balik naik apa. sempat log in maybank2u dulu before i left office sebab yanti out of credit, easy to make calls if anything kalau ada reload top-up.

sampai sana je, yanti and ijun duduk kat depan police station tu dengan few plastic bag of kerepek2 mak yanti, ramai yang order so banyaklah stock.
Ya Allah, kesiannyala kawan aku sorang ni. sabar banyak2 ye yanti. ini dugaan Allah.
follow up with the adjuster and workshop very closely, insyaAllah cepatlah siap buah hati tu.

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