Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Vice Versa

something has happened, statement that i've heard..
even heard for quite several times

why should keep repeating the same
is there any point to tell?

i was so speechless..

but deep inside my heart screaming "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
and i really wish that i can say it out loud..
indeed, i really need to tell that what i've heard was something else... in the other way round.
but, its better to keep silent even its hurt...
just avoiding relationship to be ruinned.

and feelings become better after performed Salat-Zohor. Alhamdulillah...

my husband such spirit, always makes me strong when im weak. always on my side, always standing by.. he always there for me. its highly appreciated my dear.. thanks for loving me all the time.
the latest picture of us, was taken by Sis Liza at Secret Recipe.

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