Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mr N****

urrrmmm, hope no one may recognize the person as per subject.

yesterday he called me and im fine because its office hour... last night, i was called by him. suprised. he is now in Miri.
owh, no wonder dia call me at night. its fine bro, im happy everytime u need me.
i may not help u much but no harm to be a listener for u and someone u can share of.
wish it can reduce your burden.
yes, im much much younger than u but i try to understand and put myself in your shoes.

bro, take it slowly. this is not only u and her but also involving your kids and the lady who has been living with u few years, the most important person, she is mother of your kids.
memang tak salah untuk punya yang kedua, i know u are affordable. lagipun poligami dibenarkan dalam islam, so siapa kita untuk mengharamkan sesuatu yang halal disisi Allah.
tapi pastikan niat kita dan kemampuan kita untuk berlaku adil.
adil bukan bermaksud u bagi 5k for the 1st one and also 5k for the 2nd.. no.. banyak aspek yang perlu dititikberatkan. 5k pasti cukup for the 2nd because dia masih belum ada tanggungan tapi 5k takkan cukup untuk yang 1st because she is having your kids. itu contoh mudah, begitu juga dengan masa.
terlalu banyak yang perlu keduanya korbankan, anak2 juga pasti akan merasai sama pengorbanan itu especially dari segi masa. kalau dulu their father able to spend most of the time dengan diorang but after this onwards, masa yang bakal terluang untuk mereka akan berkurangan.

to have the 2nd one maybe pada u untuk saling melengkapi rite?
so the 2nd one should understand more, perlu sentiasa mengingatkan diri bahawa kehadirannya dalam hidup u adalah untuk menumpang and berkongsi merasai kasih sayang u, bukan untuk merampasnya or else taking u away from your family. no, it cant be that way.
u must be hoping the 2nd one can be someone that u may share ur sadness, at least can reduce ur problems especially kalau u ada masalah dengan kerja, 1st wife or anak2.
u dont have to tell her apa masalah yang u hadapi dengan the 1st one, cukup bila u bersama dengan dia, memandang wajah dia hati u akan tenang..
but bro, kalau the 2nd one tak boleh nak faham keadaan u, tak boleh nak release ur mind, tak boleh nak menyenangkan hati u... susahlah bro.
once a while u nak bawa the 1st one and anak2 pergi bercuti pun takkan dia tak boleh nak faham. u and her having fight right now just because of that..?? i cant believe.
susah jugak macam tu kan. at the 1st place, she suppose to understand ur status. she is loving someone's husband, married man.

bro, u have to do something. its fine if u still love and need her. but ensure u educate her how to accept this. perkahwinan bukan untuk sehari dua, u yang bertanggungjawab to lead the story.
seandainya cinta kedua u ini kecundang, anggaplah ia satu takdir yang singgah dalam hidup u dengan bertujuan untuk menyedarkan u siapa yang terbaik.. 'selingkuh itu indah' in positive way, selingkuh itu indah bila kita mengetahui bahawa insan yang kita punya is good enough and maybe the best that u've ever had.

no worries bro, the secret will safe with such ur sista..
thanks for believing me.
mohonlah petunjuk dari Allah, semoga Dia permudahkan segalanya.

with him the best of luck for this.

- get up, get up, get ready. malasnya nak pergi kerja.. im so lazy today. may i working remotely from home.. cannot... got discussion to attend.. watchhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

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