Monday, December 15, 2008

Why I Dont Need YM? I've got SAMETIME

hari ni sampai office a bit late.. lambat sikit ke lambat banyak? kekkkekekekke
pukul 10.45 am. should be ok because im not going out for lunch and will be leaving for home lepas solat maghrib kot.
as long as 8 hours working per day right. kuang kuang kuang.

why i dont need YM, keluar pulak issue tu due to this morning someone ask me via 'sametime' about that. lagi pun i dont need YM because Ericsson staff got 'sametime', so for what to have YM. that's me la, orang lain i dont know.

seems malas nak type dialogue, copy and paste boleh ye.

Fazlin Idayu...nape add ym id br? 11:08:47 AM
Farhana mana kak? 11:09:25 AM
Fazlin Idayu...dulu kn pakai kaljb, dah x pakai ke? 11:09:42 AM
Farhana Sairuji...aiks?? which id ni? 11:10:10 AM
Fazlin Idayu...aiks?? u yg add x ingt ke?? 11:10:20 AM
Farhana Sairuji........??? itu yg pelik tu 11:10:26 AM
Fazlin Idayu...zarul la tu kot 11:10:33 AM
Farhana Sairuji...jahat 11:10:45 AM
Fazlin Idayu M...x baik kate hubby gitu 11:10:51 AM
Farhana Sairuji...dah la sometimes dia access my email 11:10:54 AM
Fazlin Idayu M...nway akak dh add u td 11:10:56 AM

begitulah ceritanya, thats why issue YM comes up.
macam nak marah tak kat my hubby. dah malas nak marah dah, its up to him.
dia nak check everyday pun suka hati la, nothing hidden from him pun actually.

actually its already few times hubby asked me to do so, to use YM. because he want to chat with me. lol! tak puas2 lagi ke chatting kat rumah dengan i.
i used to it, tapi guna id lain. thats not more than 4 times i pakai YM. dont know why, tak pernah berminat nak pakai tu.
and the most reasonable reason is I NEED MY SCREEN LOOKS CLEAN.
clean means, no entertainment online access. i dont want people assume that im not doing my work when other people see me online and chatting macam tu.
workload banyak tapi sempat and still got time browsing internet macam tu.
even, no one here bother about that but thats my PRINCIPLE!
here, they just dont bother pun as long as u may get done your task on time.

and i guess thats the reason why i wasnt register friendster before even dah berkali2 my hubby and friends of mine asked me to join.
finally after ive got title of MRS ZARUL, he registered one for me... but my friendster not totally mine sebab selalunya my hubby yang login. so any new message and comment dialah 1st reader before he let me know ada new message and comment.
even my phone, when its rang and bip receiving calls or sms while im home, hubby la the person will check or answer it.
mula2 memang rasa macam thats something I DONT QUITE LIKE! but now i really used to it.
normally i will say to my hubby "its fine, im yours kan so everything mine is consider yours"
ahaks ;p
tak taulah kalau dia terasa i perli dia kan..

tool named SAMETIME is more confortable for me cuma its within Ericsson staff la even out of Malaysia. easier to ask something that i dont understand dengan engineers and those integrators. via sametime taklah obvious sangat yang i marah kadang2 sebab tak dapat report dari diorang or else slow solution activities. kalau via phone calls silap hari bulan, bernanah telinga diorang. GARANG KE I NI?? taklah, just to avoid diorang memupukkan sikap sambil lewa.
hu hu ;p love u team. WORK HARDER AND HARDER. taking everybody forward.

but i dont think 'sametime' only for E// sebab when i was in Phuket, masa tu nak tukar my RM ke BATH, i saw the lady kat counter tu pun chatting pakai 'sametime'.
boleh kot cuma i la yang tak ambil tau benda tu, as long as i can communicate with E// staff enough. worried terlebih chatting dari kerja pula nanti.

uurrrrmmm, what i was mumbling for. panjangnya... ok then, gotta go for meeting.
im so lazy lazy lazy today as it MONDAY BLUES.....
just received sms from my hubby, he texted : MISS U DEAR.
daddy, miss u too so much tapi malas nak reply sms. IS THERE SOMEONE CAN BE MY HELPER?
cheers, have a good day everybody.

1 comment:

Hadhatina Mkb said...

dear, is E/// have sthg to do with IBM? Sametime is an online communicator first used in IBM, before we had those YM, MSN Msgr (if Im not mistaken), and plus IBM is the leading IT company in the world. Remember learning 'bout lotus 123? I used to use Sametime masa kerja di IBM.